We hope that you will find your next step into the richness of life together in these links and descriptions as we seek to grow deeper in friendship with Jesus and wider in our service to the world.

Kid's Ministry
Our desire at AFM Kids is to work with parents to see the next generation become life-long followers of Jesus. We believe that children are not only the church's future, but also an essential part of it right now. AFM Hamilton Kids aspires to be a community where children can discover who God created them to be and where they fit into the life of the church.
Young Adults
Young Adults are very important to us at AFM In Canada Hamilton Assembly! Our YA community meets weekly on Saturday afternoons at 805 Hwy 8 for hangout, worship, groups, and prayer. We welcome any YAs (ages 15-29) to join the community. Young Adults is led by young adults and supported by staff and mentors. I hope to see you there.

Men's Ministry
Men can come to AFM Men's Ministry to develop and learn how to be the men God has called them to be. Christ is at the centre of everything we do.
Women's Ministry
For churches, small groups, and individuals, AFM Women offers biblical answers that encourage women to know Jesus, pursue His kingdom, and be spiritually renewed and prepared for service.
We are ladies just like you at AFM Hamilton. For the same reasons as you do, we minister to women. We also pray that God would use our Bible studies and events as tools to alter your life, which will inevitably change the lives of those around you and change the world—one woman at a time.