The book of 1st John Chapter 3 vs 1 to 10
- John still teaches us about love
Loving one another and growing in Christ
- This chapter encourages us to believe in Christ
- To believe in the love he has for us
- John is asking God’s children to be vigilant and not to be lead into sin.
- For those who act upright are just like God, who is also upright.
- By calling us his children meaning he is showing the title-ship, honour-ship in the relationship we have with him
- The communication and inheritance we have in him.
- He is revealing the identity issue so that we know who we are in him
- To confirm that we have a permanent relationship with God
- For we were bought by the blood of Jesus Christ himself
- So he is reminding us that we should never take it for granted that we are God’s children and nothing shall separate us from the love of God
- He emphasised that the reason why people do not know us is because they do not know him. So we as children of God can only be identified by people who also know him.
- We should always know our identity regardless of where we are and who is with us in order to not live on low standards.
- In order to grow in Christ we need to stay in the word more.
- Christianity is a personal experience with the Lord
- For the more we stay in the word the more we get elevated form being servants of Christ, to being his friends and then his Children (More personalised).
- He is the advocate who has already advocated for us the very moment we received Jesus Christ as our personal lord and saviour
- We will be like him and walk like him, talk like him and keep the relationship pure.
- Romans 12 vs 1-2 says I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
2And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God
- So the parameters which we have in order to see God is to be holy like him.
- Our bodies must be presentable to him in a holy way when he comes
- If you carry yourself in the righteous manner then it’s a guarantee that you will be like him
- For we are all created in resemblance to him
He is full of love and he is righteous
- Without love we are like empty vessels, if we do not have love we are not of God for he says that without love we are like sinners.
- Those who live in sin belong to the devil because the devil has been a sinner since the beginning.
- Children of God do not sin because God does not sin.
- We should not be habitual sinners for all who keep sinning belong to the devil. Vs 10 explain it well when it says “In this the children of God and the children of the devil are manifest: Whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is he who does not love his brother.”