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Writer's pictureafmincanada (Bible Study)

Rising above the Storm and Defeating the Spirit of Fear (Ps Mukumba 29-Apr-2020)


Text: 2 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and of a sound mind (KJV) (discipline) (NASB).

  • God gives peace, in the midst of stress/turmoil/storms! This peace brings the ability to evaluate and think clearly in spite of turmoil. The disciples were in turmoil. Mark 4v35-41 (Matt 8v23-27): Jesus and the stormy sea

  • “Most of the accidents that happen are as result of human error and panic” Although circumstances my override us. We need to choose our thoughts and not panic!

  • Isaiah 26:3 You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast (“fixed” - NLT), because he trusts in you. (Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee - KJV).

The Key word: Sound mind

  • well balanced, a disciplined mind

  • safe minded, radically moderate

  • Fear: Fear does not give you rest. Fear cripples potential, vision, and the ability to dream. We are living in a pressure cooker and microwave culture! Where everything is quick, quick and panic everywhere.

  • There are different types of fear.

1. Tormenting fear

  • It's very tormenting. It torments your spirit and it does not allow you to function properly. This fear allows you to micro management things.

  • It makes you a coward. its timid and cowardice

  • Fear Robs Perspective

  • In Numbers 13: When the Spies return from across Jordan. Report from the other 10 tribes representatives except of Joshua and Caleb was “It’s good, but…”.

  • They walked on dry ground through the Red Sea! They ate manna and yet they were still living in fear. This ratio of this report from the 12 tribes representative Israel shows that generally people have got more fear than faith

  • Fear of change, Fear to possess new grounds, Fear to move over

2. Fear due Anxiety (Stress Related) - (Phil 4v6)

  • Anxiety: Feelings of worry or fear sometimes not related to anything specific, virtually always involves a sense of fear. It is Self-propagating, it’s cyclical and it builds up. Anxiety leads to depression and unpremeditated actions. It’s causes you to feel like you going through life carrying a back pack full of rocks that can’t leave

  • Anxiety is Characterized By:

Despondency; Dread; Distress; • Agitation; • Panic, Terror; • Feeling Paralyzed (you can’t even think properly 
Feeling Apprehensive; • Sorrow, Sadness; • Hard to Focus; • Unusual restlessness; • Racing Thoughts, • Irritability; • Insomnia; • Nausea; and having Poor Concentration Anxiety Triggered by: 
  • These are triggered by:

  • Certain medical conditions; • Finances; • Family issues; • Fear of failure

  • Future concerns (health, retirement; • Trauma or abuse; • Workplace pressure and drama

  • Current Events; • Schedule/Work pressure; • Relationship issues (Rejection / Bitterness); • Health; • Multitasking; • Deadlines

  • Anxiety often leads to Doubt and questions like Is there really a God?

Instigators of fear:

  • Fear of the unknown (Unknown outcomes and results)

  • Fear of being inadequate: Fear of being inadequate always gives us excuses whenever we what to do something. In Exodus 4v10 Moses said to the LORD, "Pardon your servant, LORD. I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue."

  • This is the fear that makes us afraid, that we may not have the right words to say, or if asked questions we will not be able to answer. Moses in Ex 4 struggled with this fear

  • Doubting yourself: Most people doubt themselves just like Moses doubted himself in Ex 4v1.

  • Fear of physical harm and losing things (Properties and Assets) the rich young man (Matt 19v16-22) was sorrowful.

  • Fear of physical harm Peter denied Jesus because he was not willing to suffer or die for the truth, when he denied Christ in Luke 22:54-62; but in verse 62 Peter went out and wept bitterly when he realised his mistake.

  • We need to pray the prayer like the one that was done by the disciples in (Acts 4:29-31) when they were forbidden to pray by council of Herod

  • Fear of not wanting to lose reputation or thinking more of what people say about oneself:

  • Christ gave up his own reputation Philippians 2:7-8

  • Fear of rejection: Looking for approval from men

  • Despised and rejected by men Isaiah 53:3

  • You need to rise above the storm. 1 John 4v4: You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world

  • In Ephesians 3:20 Pauls says; Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,. Whenever God inspires or trust you to do something you should know that He has given you the strength already.

  • There are 2 important things that we need to be able to distinguish: (1) our emotions (feeling) and (2) the spirit of God. This will enable us to act with a sound mind

  • The spirit of God inspires. It works from within

  • Emotions are from outside influence. They instigate a reaction

  • It’s very difficult to distinguish yet this contributes to our feelings and actions: feelings of love, fear and a sound mind. The only reason I don’t touch a hot plate on a stove, it’s because I touched it before

  • Water is made from H2O (2 components of hydrogen and Oxygen)

  • So without hydrogen you cannot have water and without oxygen also you can have water. These 2 they depend on each other. That’s why the bible says faith comes by hearing and hearing the word Rom 10v17. Without the word we cannot be full because what made us to exist is the word of God. The word of God inspires. David says Thy word Oh Lord have I hidden in my heart so that I will sin against you (thee) Psalms 119v11. It takes way fear.

  • If you put little sand and mud into a water bottle. You can see that mud/sand settles at the bottom. A little agitation to the bottle will cause the mud to rise and the water becomes undrinkable. This is what emotions will do. They work from outside and causes some undesirable reactions such as fear, anger and etc.

  • That’s why in 2 Cor 10v5: Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

  • Fear will cause us to be nullified by God. God spoke to Gideon as he was to fight the control Midianites Judges 7:3: “Now therefore go to, proclaim in the ears of the people, saying, Whosoever is fearful and afraid, let him return and depart early from mount Gilead. And there returned of the people twenty and two thousand; and there remained ten thousand.”

  • Isaiah 41v10: Do not fear for I am with you

  • “I don't know What you are afraid of?” Psalms 46v10 says: Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth." Just keep on holding on in Jesus name.

  • Don't lose your faith and strength; Isaiah 40v29 says: He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength.

  • Isaiah 40v31 says: But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. May the Lord give us the power of patience in waiting.

  • Josh 1v9; When God said to Joshua be strong and courageous . He was saying have the ability to control fear. Courage is the ability to control fear. I want to encourage to be courageous.

  • If He has told you to crossover to the other side, do not worry he will take care of the business. Don't worry yourself about how you are going to cross. He will use anything that you have just like what he did with Moses when he crossed the Red Sea and Joshua when he cross the Jordan river. Just keep trust on his word.

  • On the promise in Mathew 20:28 Jesus said, ‘Behold, I am with you unto the end of the age.’

  • The word FEAR NOT is recorded 74 times from Genesis to Revelation in the King James version.

  • May the Lord remove all the fear in your life in Jesus name.

  • AMEN. Stay blessed in Jesus name

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