Title: The Power is within Us
Acts 10v1-22 and John 10v33-35, Psalm 86v6
Ø As we are preparing for winter most people they go around and prepare their warm clothes and jackets ready for winter. Similarly this is the same preparation that we have when it is summer. We all do the same for summer for any season in order to have fun. If I would ask why we start preparing in all these different season. It is because we have knowledge of the seasons, preparation makes it better. What helps us to prepare is the power is within us. Knowledge is power
Ø This chapter is pivotal, for it records salvation of Gentiles. A Gentile is person who is not a Jew.
Ø A Jew is a member of the people and cultural community whose traditional religion is Judaism and who trace their origins through the ancient Hebrew people of Israel to Abraham.
Ø It should be noted that it took disciples ten years after the ascension of Jesus into heaven to preach to the Gentile. After experiencing the resurrection on Jesus Christ, forty day of having good time with his disciples and showing infallible proofs that He is the one that had resurrected from the dead without any trace death in Him, the physical ascension to heaven and the experience of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost they had not taken the gospel to the Gentile.
Ø Though he commanded His disciple to preach the Gospel to the whole world in Mark 16v15, Matthew 28v19 and Acts 1v8 on the great commission they had not gone yet. Why did the disciples wait so long to go and preach to the lost Gentiles after the great commission. They thought salvation was for Jews only.
Ø John 1v11 it says but He came to his own, and his own received him not
Ø It took the Lord to send an Angel to Peter for him to take the gospel to Gentiles. Praise God Peter did not deny. He accepted the call
Ø When we come to church, we should be prepared to hear from the Lord and to preach to others. We should come expecting and ready for work.
Ø Ephesians 3:20 Now unto him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,
Ø The power is already in us but we should come prepared. Prepared in expectation. The power is within us. The potential is in us. It’s not anywhere else. It is within us.
Ø The bible says there was a certain man from Caesarea from the Italian band named Cornelius that had seen a vision during prayer. He had sent his servants to call Peter according to God’s instruction through a vision that he had seen. His servants had drawn near on their journey to Peters house. When they were almost closer to Peter’s residents and the Lord caused Peter to go into a trance.
Ø The bible says while Peter was praying, he became hungry and he went into a trace. When he was in that trance, he saw a four-footed beast and there came voice to him, saying, Kill and eat. But Peter refused because he said he never eaten unclean meat. The Lord rebuked him. He was told not to call what God had given him unclean. Immediately the Lord explained to him what he was supposed to do.
Ø May Lord cause anything that is yours to go into a trance as you come/get close to it. No more delay and denials. Everything of yours that have got your name tag may the Lord prepare it for you in the spiritual realm and physically. May it manifest in due season in Jesus name
Ø Anything that has been trying to run away from you I arrest it in Jesus’ name. Every delay in your life I nullify it in the name of Jesus. May the Lord cause speed occurrences of all your things in Jesus’ name. No more delay. We refuse any delay, any shame, any disappointments in Jesus name. You shall not be disappointed
Ø In the vison he saw an Angel of God coming to him and saying, Cornelius Thy alms and thy prayers are come up for a memorial unto God and now send a man unto Joppa and call a for a man Simon whose surname is Peter.
Ø God pays attention to two things. This is your (i) Alms and (ii) Prayers
Ø It is in Luke 6:38 when Jesus says, “Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.
Ø Matthew 7:7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
Ø 1 Thessalonians 5:17 Pray without ceasing.
Ø One thing that terrifies and excites me at the same time from this passage is that the Lord gave specific location and details to find where Peter was (Acts 10v5-6). The dimension of prayer and alms can give specific location of your things
Ø You should know that no matter where you are the Lord knows your specific location, situation, position, problem and solution.
Ø If anything have got my solution may the Lord give me a compass to my solution through my prayer. I refuse to be poor anymore. May Lord make me to meet my solutions.
Ø The bible gives four qualities of this man to God. He was:
1. Devout: Heart felt, sincere, serious, deep, fervent and Earnest. If Cornelius would tell you he loves God, his tears will be flowing
2. He feared God with his family
3. He gave much alms
4. He prayed to God always
Ø May the Lord cause people to act in a way that they had not planned because of your destiny. May the Lord bring destiny helpers in your life in Jesus name. May He destroy and punish every destiny destroyer before they get close to you in the name of Jesus. You are safe in Jesus.
Ø May destiny helpers and builders flock your life in Jesus Christ name. No destiny destroyer shall get close to you in Jesus name. May the Lord preserve your life from any harm. May He preserve it from any pain. May the nations call you blessed.
Ø May the Lord touch those that have got hard hearts towards you. May he cause them to help you. It will surprise the world when you tell them that you got your breakthrough from their help.
Ø As you have come here there is one thing that I am positive of that your life will never be the same again. When a prepared teacher meets a prepared student, the outcome is magnificent.
Ø One of the things that made people to fail Mathematics is because when they went for Maths lesson they were not prepared to listen. They thought maths is difficult yet not. They doubted the answers the teach was finding. They doubted the formulas the teach was using. Old school formula but these had the answers.
Ø One preacher once said your attitude will determine your altitude
Ø The bible says Peter was told to doubt nothing.
Ø I want to tell you to doubt nothing. Doubt is the opposite of faith.
Ø Now Faith is the substance of things that are hoped for, the evidence of things not seen
Ø What is your hope today?
Ø Hold on your hope, that is your substance. Yes people are not seeing it now but if you can name it/them when anyone asks you that item/items is the evidence of your hope.
Ø Romans 8:24-25 “But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has? But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.”
Ø Don’t doubt, keep your hope and your evidence though people are not seeing it yet.
Ø Soon and very soon it/they will manifest in Jesus name and we will seem it/them. In the name of Jesus
Ø Ephesians 1:18-19 “I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe.”
Ø There is incomparable great power for us who believe
Ø When Peter started teaching the prepared student. The prepared student Cornelius had invited others because he didn’t doubt the teacher.
Ø A good teacher will not make people to worship him. He teaches people that they should worship the Lord only and no one else. A good teacher fears the Lord (Acts 10v25-27)
Ø A good teacher also confesses that he was wrong (Acts 10v28-29)
Ø I want you to know that Visitations are still happening, and you are the next candidate. Do not abscond the lessons of God. Acts 10v30.
Ø God is not a respecter of person but in every nation he that fears him and worketh righteousness is accepted of him
Ø How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and power who went around doing good, healing all that were oppressed of the devil
Ø Jesus Christ that rose again from the dead and is seated on the right hand of the Father in heaven is still doing good
Ø God raised Him up from the dead and showed him openly with infallible proofs. They did eat and drink with him when he rose again. He rose again on the third day after his death and never went back to grave again.
Ø After rising up he didn’t runway from his crucifiers. He walked openly and show himself openly. They couldn’t do anything to him. They even paid the guards to stop his message because all principalities were rendered powerless. It is He that was ordained of God to be judge of the quick and the dead. All prophets gave witness of him even if they heard not seen him
Ø Ephesians 1:18-19 “I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe.”
Ø I believe whatever you are hearing today God have prepared you to be an overcomer. He has prepared you to be healed. He has prepared you to be rich. He has prepared you to be a winner
Ø He has prepared you to go beyond your limits and to accelerate you
Ø Be ready to be accelerated
Ø You can as devoted as Cornelius, but you need to do what Cornelius did hear. He was praying for salvation. (Acts 11v13-14)